Harvard Student Creates Stolen Bike Tracking Website: Bikenapped!

Written by Boston Biker on Nov 30

The coolest feature of which is the ability to see vissualy where the bikes in Boston are being stolen, so you can avoid leaving your bike in those locations with nothing but a shitty cable lock overnight…If your bike is stolen there is a handy place to announce it here.

From the website:

Bikenapped aims to raise awareness for bike thefts and empower cyclists to take action.

As Boston works towards becoming a world class bicycling city, increasing bike thefts becomes a rising concern. Bike theft is notoriously difficult to investigate, and stolen bicycles are equally difficult to recover. There is nowhere individuals to speak out, no outlet to take action. By gathering this community of individual voices, we can speak with a collective voice to shed light on the problem, and work together to find solutions.

From the website:

Bike thefts in Cambridge has been steadily increasing over the past 5 years. The percentage increase is particularly noteworthy, indicative of rising urban problem. In addition, due to the presence of 3 separate police departments in Cambridge (the Cambridge PD, Harvard PD, and MIT PD), who all keep separate records and statistics on crimes, the published data does not accurately reflect the true scale of the issue. Majority of bikes stolen were locked with cable locks. Cable locks can be easily compromised by common tools found at hardware stores and provide little deterrent for thieves. Unsecured bikes were stolen in residential areas, left on porches or yards. While u-locks are not.

See the whole map here.

More info about the creator here.

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