Bikes Lanes At Fatal Mass. Ave. Intersection…Not Working

Written by Boston Biker on Sep 03

I noticed the same thing when I was looking at them a couple nights ago, but Reddit user Alltheacro noticed that drivers don’t seem to be paying any attention to them during the day either…


1 - 7MLrvbr

2 - kvEdQOo

3 - 50BWe1m

4 - mOwM6YN


I read there was talk of Bollards?  It looks like they will be needed…we could also use some more bike lane markers, some targeted enforcement, and maybe that blinking sign should say “Right most Lane, Bikes Only” because these drivers don’t seem to care/understand.  This turn needs a curb bump out to slow down right turning vehicles, and something to keep them out of the bike lane.  Also shame on that city bus, I know they have had training on how to drive safely around cyclists, and yet they continue to pull dumb shit like this.

This intersection isn’t the most dangerous in Boston on accident, and its not going to fix itself, the city has started the process, but clearly its not done yet.


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