BINGO! A Play In One Act

Written by Boston Biker on Mar 24

Its been a while since I have done a street theater re-enactment (see here and here and here..and here).

Bingo, a play in one act:

Scene: Our main character is standing with feet on the ground astride a bicycle while waiting for a walk sign.  Neither moving, nor making like movement is about to occur.

bike person (played by me)
Lady on foot (played by lady on foot)

Dialog: (note to stage director, this play has no dialog, its more of an interpretive dance)

Bike person: waits for walk sign.

Lady on foot: Runs into bike person loudly.

Bike person:  Feels the impact, makes a face of wonder, turns head to stare at lady on foot.

Lady on foot: Angrily gestures at bike person, indicating that nowhere on the 20 foot wide sidewalk (empty of everything except the bike guy) was there a single space you could have possibly gone except into the back of this bicycle.  (really work it, its hard to convey all that information in a look, but you can do it)

Bike person: Smile awkwardly.

Lady on foot: As you walk away raise your left hand up and give the thumbs up angrily, like a terminator being lowered into molten steel.   Hold aloft thumb for at least 10 steps.

Bike person: Chuckle to yourself, adjust your fender, ride off.

And…scene.  That’s a warp folks, good work, lets hit the showers!

I can now fill out the last square on my biker bingo card. The only one I was waiting for was the elusive “hit by a pedestrian” square.  The entire experience was so strange, and sort of lovely in a funny way.  If you are the lady who ran into me while walking with your headphones on staring at your feet.  I want to say I am sorry you had to find out there was something in front of you like that…but you know, maybe point your eyes up a little in the future and you wont have these problems.

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