This Just In: McGrath To Get Cyclist/Pedestrian Upgrades!

Written by Boston Biker on Mar 08

Way to go everyone!

From Livable Streets:



You voiced your opinion and Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) listened.

Thanks to your support over the past three years, we could see much needed improvements to the McGrath corridor from Somerville Ave to Washington Street around the McCarthy Overpass by next summer.


Now, as part of the State’s repair project, MassDOT is planning to make additional surface improvements for people to make it safer and easier to walk, bike, take the bus, and drive, when originally the only plan was to repair the structure.


LivableStreets urged the State to reconsider how they are investing money in this project. Taking our feedback, the State hired consultants to analyze the possibilities. Last week, data and conceptual drawings were presented to LivableStreets and other stakeholders. The drawings showed new and improved intersections, buffered bicycle lanes, designated areas for buses, improved traffic signals, and the closing of ramps and tunnels. 


With the addition of a new intersection and improved crossings, you would be able to walk and bike along McGrath and get from one side of McGrath to the other safely and more easily, unlike today.

The new ideas presented are because you wrote letters, volunteered, signed postcards, and attended meetings and spoke up. Now we are closer to seeing these much needed improvements.

Thank you Massachusetts Department of Transportation and City of Somerville! 

Today (top); A vision (bottom)

We are also now one step closer to realizing the ultimate vision of taking down the outdated overpass to make our communities more connected and livable, and pave the way for more businesses and jobs.

The work is not complete though… We must continue to weigh in on the plans and there will be public meetings this spring.

Together, we can make these changes happen! Join LivableStreets today. By becoming a member or donating now, you will contribute to helping make these changes actually happen.


Thank you,





Jackie Douglas, Executive Director


PS –Come celebrate this news and much more at our 3rd annual Spring member meet and greet on April 18!

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