Sharrows On Dot Ave! And An Update To South Huntington Bike Lanes

Written by Boston Biker on Sep 12

Got this tip from Fenway today

Sharrows have been added on Dorchester Avenue from at least Richmond Street to Gallivan Boulevard in front of the Carney Hospital. They’ve been there since the middle of the week. I’m not sure but they might extend all the way down to the intersection with Washington Street.

I am pretty happy they are starting to work on Dot Ave. That used to be part of my daily commute and I can tell you that it wasn’t that bad…but could be a lot better. There is room for bike lanes over most of the northern half, and in my opinion some interesting things could be done with the southern half if you got creative with time shift parking (park on one side in the morning, park on the other in the evening ala the restrictions on many neighborhood streets.) But I think they are going the sharrow on the narrow part, bike lanes on the wide part (I don’t know for sure yet though). I also know they are redoing the intersections on that street to make them more bike and ped friendly.

I will have to get down that way this week and take some pics in the mean time here is a snippet of video from the south Huntington Lanes going in (mentioned here). As always if anyone has any pics of video send them my way!

I rode in them today and I can tell you they are going to be nice and wide, with a buffer on the parking side for a lot of it, and only a couple spots of door zone (ish) areas. They should also help to slow traffic down a bit in that stretch as cars tend to go slower in narrower lanes.

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