Memorial Drive Protest Ride and Rally July 17th, Plus Write In Campaign!

Written by Boston Biker on Jul 12

From Cambridge Bike Safety (But I fully agree, protest works!  Lets get in the streets for justice!)

In summary: Rally and protest ride Wednesday July 17th at 5:30 at JFK and Memorial Drive. RSVP on Facebook, make a plan to attend the rally, and spread the word.

At the Memorial Drive meeting last month, DCR presented their plan for Memorial Drive. Despite overwhelming public comment in support of improving the corridor for walking and bicycling and expanding the green space in this park, DCR presented a plan which instead prioritizes keeping four lanes of motor vehicle traffic on the parts of Memorial Drive where these improvements are most needed.

It’s time to protest. Wednesday July 17th, we are rallying with other members of the Memorial Drive Alliance to show DCR that they cannot make a mistake on this once-in-a-generation opportunity to improve our riverfront. Following the rally we will have a group ride along the part of Memorial Drive east of JFK St to the BU rotary.

Rally Details:

  • Wednesday, July 17, 5:30pm at Memorial Drive and JFK Street.
  • RSVP and share the post on Facebook.

In addition to attending the rally, it is critically important to write in again to DCR – even if you already wrote in previously – to tell them their current plan is not acceptable. To do so, click here to comment on DCR’s plans for the Memorial Drive renovation (make sure to choose “Memorial Drive Greenway Improvements Phase III”). The most important points to make are:

  1. Memorial Drive should be shrunk to two lanes along the whole length of the project.
  2. The reclaimed space should be used to create separate bike and pedestrian paths and to plant more trees along the river.

Just a quick comment is perfect. But for more ideas to include in your comment, consult the Memorial Drive Alliance’s key asks. The Boston Cyclists Union previously wrote a post with suggestions on issues to comment on. In addition, DCR’s presentation has three options for updating the BU rotary, so you can also specify which you prefer and include other details you would like to see addressed. After you comment, please email [email protected]and your MA senator and representative with a copy of your comment.


DCR has been responsible for terrible road design, contributing to the deaths of two people biking on their streets over the last year. Yesterday the Boston Cyclists Union organized a people-protected bike lane to call attention to the complete lack of bike infrastructure on the intersection where Paula Sharaga was killed despite recent work done on the intersection. Advocates told DCR that the intersection needed bike infrastructure and they did nothing. It is clear DCR needs to change how they think about bicycle infrastructure.

If you are fed up with DCR’s inaction across the region, another point of input is to go to the DCR public meeting on July 18 from 8:30am-11am, the morning after the rally. There will be a public comment portion and you can tell DCR commissioner Leo Roy and other officials that the lack of bike infrastructure in their projects is an urgent problem. Public comment is at the end of the meeting but even just sitting in the audience holding a sign at the beginning can send a powerful message.

Protest works. We have protected bike lanes on the Longfellow Bridge and soon the Craigie Bridge because we protested. We showed up in huge numbers to the people-protected bike lane yesterday morning, and if we keep showing up, we can make our region safer for people who bike, even on DCR streets.

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