Newton Wont Install Bike Lanes To Make The Roads Safer Because The Roads Are Too Dangerous In Newton

Written by Boston Biker on Nov 05

This is sort of what I used to hear about kids walking and biking to school…”We can’t let our kids walk and bike to school there is too much traffic near the school.” Why is there traffic near the school…because all the parents dropping their kids off at school.  This is like electing republicans who say that government can’t work, and to prove it they are going to destroy government.

Circular arguments for everyone!



so narrow!

so narrow!

such small tiny lanes

such small tiny lanes



how will we possibly fit a bike lane here?!

how will we possibly fit a bike lane here?!

Area in question runs from Rt 30 to Otis Street. The "dangerous" section Babcock referred to is from Mill to Elm ie high school

Area in question runs from Rt 30 to Otis Street. The “dangerous” section Babcock referred to is from Mill to Elm ie high school

by the way this discussion started 2+ years ago…so this even though the choice they made is probably the wrong one, they did it in record slow time….what I am trying to say here is the whole thing was done in the worst way possible. Wait that might be harsh, what I really mean is that Newton doesn’t understand how to create integrated and safe streets for all residents. If you live and bicycle in Newton you might want to go to a couple of these transportation meetings and let them know how poor of a job they are doing.

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