A Modest Proposal

Written by Boston Biker on Aug 04

Now that Boston has outlawed parking in bike lanes..I have a modest suggestion for another law. If a business wishes to receive shipments that come in large trucks, they should be required to have a loading zone to hold said large truck. If they do not have the space, they must sacrifice one of their on-street parking spots to serve as a loading zone, this will be a no parking zone for anyone that is not a big truck dropping off products to that store. If the trucks can not fit into a single space, they must sacrifice two, or three, or 4 or however many it takes to fit the truck. Multiple stores may share the same loading zone, but would then have to schedule pick ups and drop offs so as not to cause a double parking situation. I am so f-ing sick of going around giant trucks that are double parked (often in the bike lane) and almost getting killed in the process.


That is all.

PS. if you are a business and get mostly local products delivered might I suggest Metro Pedal Power…as their delivery service takes up very little room, and is very awesome.

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