DCR To Hold Meeting On Neponset Bridge Rehab

Written by Boston Biker on Feb 09

As anyone who has ridden over this thing can tell you, it can be a bit of a hard slog. It would be great to see some improvements made for bikes…and to have that f-ing HUGE pothole fixed (on the Quincy side of the river heading north…holy crap is it big). I would also be down with fixing up the sidewalks so people wont break a leg when walking over it…maybe some bike lanes….you know that sort of thing. If you think the same way I do get your butt to this meeting and let the DCR hear about it!

(thanks Dotbike for the heads up)

Replacing the deck on the Neponset River Bridge between Dorchester and Quincy will be on the agenda at a Department of Conservation and Recreation meeting next Tuesday. The rehabilitation is part of Gov. Deval Patrick’s Accelerated Bridge Program, which will spend $3 billion statewide and $906 million on DCR bridges. The work on the Neponset bridge is set to begin in late 2009. The public is invited to give input on the project on Tues., Feb. 10, 6 p.m. at Quincy City Hall, 1302 Hancock St., Quincy.

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