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Call The Governor NOW! Get The Bike Safety Bill Passed!

Written by Boston Biker on Jan 13

Just got this from MassBike.


Thanks to you, thirty-two legislators signed the letter of support delivered to Governor Patrick yesterday! We can still add more legislators to the list, so call your state representative and state senator today if you have not already done so. Click here for yesterday’s Action Alert and instructions.

Today, we’re asking you to contact Governor Patrick directly by phone or email, and ask him to sign the Bicyclist Safety Bill, S. 2573. Tell him that the bill will help get more people bicycling, which will protect the environment, make us healthier, and, perhaps most important during the economic crisis, promote more affordable transportation options.

To contact Governor Patrick:

1. By Phone: Dial 617-725-4005 for Governor Patrick’s opinion line. Be sure to give your name and city or town.

2. By Email: Go to and scroll down to fill in the Email Form.

Please do not delay – call or email today!

About the Bicyclist Safety Bill (S. 2573): The key provisions of the bill are: police training on bicycle law; clarification of how to safely pass a bicycle; clarification of how to safely make turns in front of bicycles; “dooring” subject to ticket and fine; riding two abreast permitted when it does not impede cars from passing; improved enforcement of bicycle law for both motorists and bicyclists; and additional legal protections for bicyclists who choose to ride to the right of other traffic. The full text of the bill can be found here. For more details about the bill, including links to the affected statutes, see our previous Action Alert.

Click here to find your State Representative (called “Rep in General Court”) and your State Senator (called “Senate in General Court”), then click on their names to get phone numbers.

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Call Your Representative NOW To Help Pass Bike Safety Bill!

Written by Boston Biker on Jan 12

Just got this from MassBike.


This important bill will improve the safety of bicyclists throughout the Commonwealth, but we need your help right now, today . The bill (S. 2573) has been passed by both houses of the Legislature, and is now waiting for Governor Patrick’s signature. While we hope the Governor will sign the bill, he could veto it or simply take no action and it will die. So we are taking action to encourage him to sign it!

Rep. Kay Khan is circulating a letter this morning to the entire Legislature, asking every senator and representative to sign the letter urging the Governor to sign the bill. Rep. Khan will deliver this letter to the Governor later today. We need you to call your senator and representative right now and ask them to sign onto the letter.

The key provisions of the bill are: police training on bicycle law; clarification of how to safely pass a bicycle; clarification of how to safely make turns in front of bicycles; “dooring” subject to ticket and fine; riding two abreast permitted when it does not impede cars from passing; improved enforcement of bicycle law for both motorists and bicyclists; and additional legal protections for bicyclists who choose to ride to the right of other traffic. The full text of the bill can be found here. For more details about the bill, including links to the affected statutes, see our previous Action Alert.

Here is what you should do:

1. Call your State Senator and ask him or her to sign onto Rep. Khan’s letter urging the Governor to sign S. 2573, the Bicyclist Safety Bill. You should say that the bill will help get more people bicycling, which will protect the environment, make us healthier, promote more affordable transportation options, and improve our quality of life.

2. Call your State Representative and ask him or her to sign onto Rep. Khan’s letter urging the Governor to sign S. 2573, the Bicyclist Safety Bill. You should say that the bill will help get more people bicycling, which will protect the environment, make us healthier, promote more affordable transportation options, and improve our quality of life.
We need as many legislators as possible to sign onto this letter, and it must happen in the next few hours, so please make your calls right now!

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Update On The Bike Museum Thing, Now Called The Wheelman’s Machine

Written by Boston Biker on Jan 09

Member this?

Here is some new knowledge to drop on yall! Got this from someone named Ray.

Please note the exhibit has change the name to “The Wheelman’s
and that local historian and author David Herlihy (Bicycle: The History) is
now credited for
his work used in the exhibit.
and the updated PDF

Please feel free to update your post about the opening reception.
Ray – no affiliation with the museum –

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle. I have to admit “The Wheelman’s Machine” sounds awesome, and slightly dirty…perfect for high art.

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First Meeting of The Thirsty Riders Club

Written by Boston Biker on Jan 09

The winds are fierce, and the weather inclement, but winter bikers are intrepid! So bundle up and enjoy the first-ever MassBike Thirsty Riders Club. Come meet the MassBike staff, have a refreshing beverage, and eat some snacks. Enjoy the fine company of other bikers at Coogan’s Pub (171 Milk Street, Boston) on Wednesday, January 28, 2009, from 6-9pm. Ask questions of the MassBike staff, meet fellow bikers, and celebrate the joy that is winter in New England on a bicycle. Tell your funniest/scariest/strangest winter biking story. Come by foot, by T, or by bike, but make sure you show up! Snacks are on Coogan’s; drinks are on you.

No charge to join the club, but donations are always appreciated!

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First Meeting of The Thirsty Riders Club: January 28th, 2009

Written by Boston Biker on Jan 09

The winds are fierce, and the weather inclement, but winter bikers are intrepid! So bundle up and enjoy the first-ever MassBike Thirsty Riders Club. Come meet the MassBike staff, have a refreshing beverage, and eat some snacks. Enjoy the fine company of other bikers at Coogan’s Pub (171 Milk Street, Boston) on Wednesday, January 28, 2009, from 6-9pm. Ask questions of the MassBike staff, meet fellow bikers, and celebrate the joy that is winter in New England on a bicycle. Tell your funniest/scariest/strangest winter biking story. Come by foot, by T, or by bike, but make sure you show up! Snacks are on Coogan’s; drinks are on you.

No charge to join the club, but donations are always appreciated!

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