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Bikes Not Bombs Mega Event Update

Written by Boston Biker on Jan 26

Got this mega update in the mail today, Bikes Not Bombs knows how to party! Check out all the sweet events below, or on the event calendar over on the right.


Saturday February 7th
3:30 – 5:00
At the BNB Hub, 284 Amory St, Jamaica Plain, MA
Full info here.

Did you ever wonder how the urban space could be redesigned to be equitable and accessible for all people, whether walking, biking, using public transportation, or driving? Come see an inspiring presentation by Enrique Peñalosa, an internationally reknowned speaker who transformed Bogotá, Colombia into a model of transportation justice during his term as mayor.

Livable Streets and the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) are bringing Peñalosa (an avid biker!) to Boston for four days of activities. Bikes Not Bombs is proud to host his presentation on transforming cities into more equitable and happier places to live. You are invited to come hear the talk and ask questions afterwards! This event is free and open to the public. RSVP is encouraged but not required. (To RSVP, drop a line to Make sure you see Peñalosa, either here or at other venues!

Thursday February 5th, 6:30pm
Full info here.

Enrique Peñalosa completed his three-year term as Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia on December 31, 2000. While mayor, he promoted a city model giving priority to children and public spaces and restricting private car use, building hundreds of kilometers of sidewalks, bicycle paths, pedestrian streets, greenways, and parks. After organizing a Car-Free Day in 2000, he was awarded the Stockholm Challenge Award and rewarded by a referendum vote endorsing an annual car-free day. Peñalosa also led efforts to improve Bogotá’s marginal neighborhoods through citizen involvement; planted more than 100,000 trees; created a new, highly successful bus-based transit system; and turned a deteriorated downtown avenue into a dynamic pedestrian public space. He helped transform the city’s attitude from one of negative hopelessness to one of pride and hope, developing a model for urban improvement based on the equal rights of all people to transportation, education, and public spaces.

Watch StreetFilms of Enrique Peñalosa and Bogotá here.

Let us know if you can help document this event!


Sunday Feb 15th
starting at 8pm at the Milky Way Lounge and Lanes for directions


Come dance the night away! Have fun raising money to support an awesome organization (and your great local bike shop!) Buy some raffle tickets and win some fabulous prizes!

DJs Patrick & Stella of Gross Anatomy
DJ D’Hana of The Neighborhood
DJ Lonewolf of Todo Mundo

The raffle will include great prizes by local businesses, as well as Baileyworks, Swerv Cycling Apparel, the BNB retail shop, and more!
Boldsprints means head-to-head bike racing on rollers, making that solitary winter training into a social event.

$5-20+ sliding scale – cover charges raised go entirely to BNB. All Milky Way events are 21+.



The Bike Shop is offering BNB members a 20% discount and non-members a 15% discount on parts involved in a Major Tune-up or Complete Overhaul repair package.

A Major Tune-Up includes the installation of cables, chain, brake pads and other external parts you might need. A lot of people need this service at least once a year, but put it off longer than they should! A Complete Overhaul is a major tune-up that includes labor for overhauling all rotational systems on the bike. This is a good idea to think about every two years, depending on what conditions your bike endures.

Whether you’ve been riding all winter or you’re waiting for spring, consider getting that much-needed repair done now at a discount. Call the bike shop at 617-522-0226 or bring your bike in for a free estimate. This offer is good until February 28.



Learn to repair your own bike! This is a “basic” mechanics courses that gives you the skills to do a full tune-up, plus more advanced work overhauling rotational systems. Classes cover bike fit, flats, brakes, gears, and adjustments and overhauls of hubs. The final session will allow you to pick more topics to cover (wheel truing, etc) depending on the needs of your bike.

The course meets at the Bikes Not Bombs Bike Shop once a week for 5 weeks, and you bring your own bike to work on and improve. The cost for a full course is $120. For this tuition, you get the knowledge AND your bike gets work that would cost nearly $100 in most shops.

There are only six spots per class, so you must enroll in advance. Call the bike shop at 617-522-0226 to pay by credit card over the phone, or stop by the shop. You can send a check, but note that we’ll reserve a space for you only AFTER we receive payment, and classes fill quickly.

February 17th – March 17th
each Tuesday 8-10 pm (5 sessions)

The first session is a consultation where we’ll help you pick out and purchase hubs, rims, and spokes for your new wheelset ($60-80 for rims, $64 for spokes and $50-100 for hubs; all students receive a 10% discount on all parts bought for the class, including any tools you want for home). We’ll also cover some wheelbuilding theory and time permitting do spoke length calculations. The second session will focus on lacing both wheels. The third and fourth sessions will focus on tensioning the spokes, and lacing the second wheel. The final session will give students time to focus on finishing their wheels and to discuss other aspects of wheelbuilding.

Building a bicycle wheel is like tuning a piano – it takes care and patience and a little art to balance the tensions, and when it is in tune it is a beautiful thing! For a wheel to be perfectly round, the tension on each spoke must be adjusted and balanced, each slightly different to account for the flex response of the rim. These days most wheels are built by machines, which do a fine job, but don’t have nearly the sophistication of a human set of hands and eyes. A hand-built wheel is substantially more durable and will last longer, ride smoother, and need truing less often, but they get expensive when you pay a mechanic for the labor time involved. When you can build your own wheels, you can choose the quality and type of each component (hub, spokes, and rim) and you get high-quality technology for cheap because you don’t have to pay for labor! Learning to build wheels will also give you the skills to understand problems in used wheels and to true them by adjusting spoke tensions.

The cost for the full course is $120, and you must enroll in advance. Call the bike shop at 617-522-0226 to pay by credit card over the phone, or stop by the shop. You can send a check, but note that we’ll reserve a space for you only AFTER we receive payment, and classes fill quickly. Questions? Contact [email protected] or talk to Charlie Schubert, our Bike Shop Service Manager.



The Ability Bike shop is up and running! This project sponsored by Bikes Not Bombs and Emmanuel’s Educational Foundation and Sports Academy (EEFSA) was begun in early 2008 and has faced many financial challenges throughout the year. The success story has been documented by David Branigan, the BNB trainer in his blog – the story of 6 physically challenged individuals becoming Ghana’s first cooperatively owned and operated bike enterprise. David, the Ability Bikes staff, and EEFSA were all intensively engaged in clearing the customs and raising the needed funds to pay fees and trucking on the second donated 40’ container of bicycle aid from Bikes Not Bombs and a solidarity committee based in Brattelboro VT. The clearing process, finalized on Jan 23rd was made much more difficult by the recent change in government and changing administrative posts. With this second container, Ability Bikes is now assured financial security for the first half of 2009 as they proceed to becoming an officially registered cooperative enterprise in April 2009.


After a long and arduous process the Vijana Vocational Training Center’s administrative director Boniface Kimboka was able to clear the customs on our container that was shipped back in October! This was the second container BNB shipped to this project. After BNB International Programs Director, Carl Kurz, made his visit in late Sept, he and Boniface have been in constant email contact and are looking forward to shipping two containers of bicycle aid in 2009. Vijana is going through an expansion of its vocational services; expanding the welding skills program and adding courses in computer repair and the bike progam. These additions will also provide sellable items for the school to generate more income – items like door and window frames, craft items and furniture made from bike parts, and more repair services for bikes and computers. This is great news for the more than 200 orphans that attend the school.


Two individuals from the expanding Nevis Bikes Not Bombs Earn-A-Bike program will be coming to Boston in March to participate in a skills development workshop. To make this program even more effective a BNB trainer will be traveling to Nevis to witness first-hand the conditions on the ground for Earn-A-Bike programs and view the proposed sites and engage in discussions around expansion of this successful program to more communities on the island.

BNB will commit to a bike aid shipment in April of 2009 and will be working closely with Nevis BNB to procure tools and items needed for their expansion. Program manager Kristina Stoney reports, “Don and Bass have worked hard and beautifully on the Earn-A-Bike program here, liaising with Ms. Maynard for regular meetings, creating more support in communities and running classes for New Castle and Gingerland areas.“

This travel exchange is being funded by John Rowse, one of the founders of the Boston Building Materials Cooperative (BBMC), as a memorial to Don Malloy, a long term employee of the BBMC who was also an avid cyclist and BNB supporter. Don was killed in and auto accident while volunteering in an effort to rebuild houses destroyed by hurricane Katrina in Mobile, Alabama. Being able to carry out this project in honor of Don adds deeper meaning to this important act of international solidarity.



Carlos Sastre, winner of the 2008 Tour de France, is donating one of his yellow jerseys to Bikes Not Bombs!!! The Maillot Jaune (yellow jersey) is the most coveted prize in all of professional bicycle racing. At each stage of the 2,300 mile long Tour de France, the racer who is in the overall lead on time classification wears a yellow jersey while racing. Carlos was contacted by his brother and BNB supporter Eduardo Sastre, and was inspired to make the generous donation to Bikes Not Bombs to sell as a fundraiser. We will be honoring the Maillot Jaune at the BNB shop for a few months before selling it in conjunction with our BNB 25th anniversary, so be sure to come by and see this amazing piece of cycling history! Thanks Carlos and good luck for your bid in 2009.


Wed March 4th
7-10 pm

This will be a special party to appreciate the volunteers who together put in thousands of hours of crucial work at Bikes Not Bombs. All who have volunteered for BNB are invited to this party. More details coming soon, but save the date!



– laptops!
– a regular supply of rags
– digital video camera
– and more

Full info at

Contact Arik at [email protected] or 617-522-0222 if you have things to donate. Please check in before donating, thanks!

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Bikes Not Bombs Volunteer Party

Written by Boston Biker on Jan 26

Wed March 4th
7-10 pm

This will be a special party to appreciate the volunteers who together put in thousands of hours of crucial work at Bikes Not Bombs. All who have volunteered for BNB are invited to this party. More details coming soon, but save the date!

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Bikes Not Bombs Wheel Building Classes

Written by Boston Biker on Jan 26

February 17th – March 17th
each Tuesday 8-10 pm (5 sessions)

The first session is a consultation where we’ll help you pick out and purchase hubs, rims, and spokes for your new wheelset ($60-80 for rims, $64 for spokes and $50-100 for hubs; all students receive a 10% discount on all parts bought for the class, including any tools you want for home). We’ll also cover some wheelbuilding theory and time permitting do spoke length calculations. The second session will focus on lacing both wheels. The third and fourth sessions will focus on tensioning the spokes, and lacing the second wheel. The final session will give students time to focus on finishing their wheels and to discuss other aspects of wheelbuilding.

Building a bicycle wheel is like tuning a piano – it takes care and patience and a little art to balance the tensions, and when it is in tune it is a beautiful thing! For a wheel to be perfectly round, the tension on each spoke must be adjusted and balanced, each slightly different to account for the flex response of the rim. These days most wheels are built by machines, which do a fine job, but don’t have nearly the sophistication of a human set of hands and eyes. A hand-built wheel is substantially more durable and will last longer, ride smoother, and need truing less often, but they get expensive when you pay a mechanic for the labor time involved. When you can build your own wheels, you can choose the quality and type of each component (hub, spokes, and rim) and you get high-quality technology for cheap because you don’t have to pay for labor! Learning to build wheels will also give you the skills to understand problems in used wheels and to true them by adjusting spoke tensions.

The cost for the full course is $120, and you must enroll in advance. Call the bike shop at 617-522-0226 to pay by credit card over the phone, or stop by the shop. You can send a check, but note that we’ll reserve a space for you only AFTER we receive payment, and classes fill quickly. Questions? Contact [email protected] or talk to Charlie Schubert, our Bike Shop Service Manager.

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BNB Dancy Part Fundraiser At The Milky Way

Written by Boston Biker on Jan 26

Sunday Feb 15th
starting at 8pm at the Milky Way Lounge and Lanes for directions


Come dance the night away! Have fun raising money to support an awesome organization (and your great local bike shop!) Buy some raffle tickets and win some fabulous prizes!

DJs Patrick & Stella of Gross Anatomy
DJ D’Hana of The Neighborhood
DJ Lonewolf of Todo Mundo

The raffle will include great prizes by local businesses, as well as Baileyworks, Swerv Cycling Apparel, the BNB retail shop, and more!
Boldsprints means head-to-head bike racing on rollers, making that solitary winter training into a social event.

$5-20+ sliding scale – cover charges raised go entirely to BNB. All Milky Way events are 21+.

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Enrique Penalosa Speeks On Economic Justice And Urban Transportation

Written by Boston Biker on Jan 26

Saturday February 7th
3:30 – 5:00
At the BNB Hub, 284 Amory St, Jamaica Plain, MA
Full info here.

Did you ever wonder how the urban space could be redesigned to be equitable and accessible for all people, whether walking, biking, using public transportation, or driving? Come see an inspiring presentation by Enrique Peñalosa, an internationally reknowned speaker who transformed Bogotá, Colombia into a model of transportation justice during his term as mayor.

Livable Streets and the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) are bringing Peñalosa (an avid biker!) to Boston for four days of activities. Bikes Not Bombs is proud to host his presentation on transforming cities into more equitable and happier places to live. You are invited to come hear the talk and ask questions afterwards! This event is free and open to the public. RSVP is encouraged but not required. (To RSVP, drop a line to Make sure you see Peñalosa, either here or at other venues!

Thursday February 5th, 6:30pm
Full info here.

Enrique Peñalosa completed his three-year term as Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia on December 31, 2000. While mayor, he promoted a city model giving priority to children and public spaces and restricting private car use, building hundreds of kilometers of sidewalks, bicycle paths, pedestrian streets, greenways, and parks. After organizing a Car-Free Day in 2000, he was awarded the Stockholm Challenge Award and rewarded by a referendum vote endorsing an annual car-free day. Peñalosa also led efforts to improve Bogotá’s marginal neighborhoods through citizen involvement; planted more than 100,000 trees; created a new, highly successful bus-based transit system; and turned a deteriorated downtown avenue into a dynamic pedestrian public space. He helped transform the city’s attitude from one of negative hopelessness to one of pride and hope, developing a model for urban improvement based on the equal rights of all people to transportation, education, and public spaces.

Watch StreetFilms of Enrique Peñalosa and Bogotá here.

Let us know if you can help document this event!

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