City Of Boston May Get Bike Share Program

Written by Boston Biker on Jul 11

bike share could boston be next

Paris has one, DC is getting one, could Boston be next! Lets hope so. This was just sent to me from City Councilor John Connolly.

I am writing to let you know that I filed legislation yesterday to explore bringing a shared-bike program to Boston. Attached please find a copy of the hearing order. I want to recognize that Mayor Menino and his administration have already begun the process for launching such a program, and I look forward to hearing from City leaders on their efforts to bring a shared-bike program to fruition.

I am hoping that a hearing will present the opportunity for the public and any experts to discuss the best model for such a program, the necessary infrastructure, and the best ways to ensure a successful shared-bike program in Boston. I will keep you updated on the scheduling of the hearing. As Chair of the Council’s Environment & Health Committee, I am making every effort to promote a greener city that includes more sustainable transportation options like a shared-bike program.

I would welcome your feedback on this or any issue.


John R. Connolly
City Councillor At-Large
Boston City Council
One City Hall Square
Boston, MA 02201
phone: (617) 635-3115
fax: (617) 635-4203

You can read the proposed legislation here. (pdf)

I am not sure if Boston is ready yet for this kind of program (we lack infrastructure, driver education, biker education, common decency towards our fellow humans, etc…). And to make this successful it has to be rolled out with thousands of bikes all over town. Something I am not sure this plan proposes. But perhaps they can bootstrap it to success. A program like this would be a welcome addition to transportation options for the city (especially for tourists), lets hope they can do it, and do it well.

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