MassBike’s Bike Night Event

Written by Boston Biker on Mar 21

I have it on good account that MassBike is going to have a big ass Bike Night this year.

Monday, March 31, 2008
Ryles Jazz Club
212 Hampshire Street, Inman Square, Cambridge
ADVANCE TICKETS RECOMMENDED: Tickets may not be available at the door!
$30 members/$45 non-members

I am not going to lie, its kind of pricey to get in the door but the silent auction this year promises to kick some serious ass. They have over 6000 dollars in schwag right now, with more rolling in every day. Everything from a $900 Pedros tool kit, to a bunch of messenger bags, gift certificates, posters, stickers, serious bike security chains (these things are very heavy duty), wool jerseys, normal jerseys, hubs, bike parts, coffee, beer, chocolate, yoga stuff, restaurant gift certificates, etc. It is a freaking mountain of stuff, and the stuff at the silent auction rarely goes for more than 50% retail cost, so its a great place to find a good deal and support MassBike, plus your $30/$45 gets you dinner.

Their will be valet bike parking, and a cash bar.

It might not be for everyone, but the schwag mountain this year seems really aimed at a younger crowd, and they seem to be f packaging everything into “gift mounds” so you can pick and choose between various awesome prize packs.

more info here, (including a ever growing list of donations for the auction)



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