Upcoming Local Public Meeting About Bridges

Written by Boston Biker on Jan 09

Get out there and let them know about your bike related needs, and wants! A squeaky wheel gets the greasing!

Accelerated Bridge Program: January 14, 2009, 6pm

The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) has scheduled a public meeting to discuss projects the agency will undertake as part of Governor Patrick’s $3 billion Accelerated Bridge Program. DCR projects in the Accelerated Bridge Program include the repair or replacement of 29 bridges and preservation work on an additional 50 bridges. At the meeting, DCR officials will provide an overview of the projects, outline the community process, and highlight the schedule of upcoming public meetings. DCR held public meetings earlier this year to discuss the repairs and rehabilitation work planned in 2009 on the BU Bridge and Craigie Dam and Drawbridges, both of which cross over the Charles River between Boston and Cambridge. Other Charlers River Basin projects planned for 2009 include the Magazine Beach pedestrian bridge in Cambridge and the Mystic Valley Parkway over Alewife Brook in Somerville. The meeting will be held at the Boston Public Library, Rabb Auditorium.

MassBike is working closely with the DCR to ensure that these projects work for bicyclists, so please consider attending this meeting to show public support for the inclusion of bicycling.

Click here for more info about the Accelerated Bridge Program

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