MassBike’s Jimmy Pereira at the DSNI Playway |
Imagine what it would be like to have a street dedicated to bicycling and walking. This street is not a shared bike lane. It is a neighborhood block with houses and open spaces for play and community engagement.
What you are picturing is a playway. Playways are temporary street closures in a residential neighborhood that get community members, especially kids, active. Playways utilize street spaces for people rather than cars. They can be done in many places, from dense urban areas to suburban and rural towns.
Although playways might sound like just another simple, fun event, they have a serious purpose. They create opportunities for activities and exercise, rally communities around open spaces, and connect neighborhoods. Playways allow children to be creative with play. Of course we especially love playways because they promote bicycling to all generations. In addition, by virtue of their simplicity, playways are sustainable in a way that other neighborhood events, such as carnivals, are not.
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What does it mean to be a MassBike member?
It means you have joined us at any one of our membership levels to support our programs, such as our Bikeable Communities Program that works with local advocates to improve bicycling conditions in their cities, towns, and neighborhoods. It also means that you can bring your MassBike member card to many local businesses and bike shops throughout the state for a discount.
Organizers of the 9th Annual Boston Bike Film Festival have asked filmmakers with a cycling habit to submit their work to be shown October 24, 2014, at the historic Regent Theatre in Arlington. Film submissions are due September 1, 2014. The event is a fundraiser for state-wide and national cycling advocacy groups, including MassBike and Bikes Not Bombs. Film concepts from last year’s festival ranged from a young man attempting re-learn to ride, to an animated film about a cute bike that moves in next door, a couple of international documentaries, and everything in between. Among the benefits for acclaimed and amateur filmmakers, the Festival offers a chance to get their films in front of audiences who are intrigued and influential to the quality of cycling nationwide. So Come Pedal Your Film! And see the next generation of cycling films!
Contact The Boston Bike Film Festival or visit them online.
A restful stop along the route. |
On August 7-10 we rode the 8th Annual Mass BikePike Tour, and as usual it was a lot of fun. We started in Shirley, MA and went through many picturesque towns. Every day seemed to reveal landscape and scenery more beautiful than the last.
Each year we especially enjoy the feeling of community we get from spending time with so many dedicated cyclists during the tour. We see familiar faces along with fresh ones. We greet old friends and meet new bicycling enthusiasts and advocates.
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