City Releases Urban Cycling Guide

Written by Boston Biker on Sep 25

This thing has it all, a quiz, video’s, and a chance to get free/low cost gear!  You will also notice that the city “borrowed” some of the images for my website for the quiz (see here and here).  I ain’t even mad!

I passed the quiz with a perfect score.  It wasn’t hard, and pretty obvious what the right answer was.  It is rather “finger wagging” at cyclists.  But then again its a quiz for cyclists.  I it trying to address the behavior of a specific user class.  It’s not helpful to tell car drivers what to do on a cyclist behavior quiz.

It would be AMAZING if the city did a “urban drivers guide” and an “urban walkers guide” in the same style.  PLEASE CAN WE GET THIS CITY OF BOSTON, PLEASE!



Urban Cycling Guide!*
Boston loves cyclists, so we want to make sure you’re prepared for everything. Learn how to avoid common urban hazards. Know the rules of the road and proper cycling etiquette, too. Ride smart. Ride safe. And most of all, enjoy yourself.

Test your Bike-Q now.

*A citywide collaborative safety initiative, supported by more than 20 partners.

Check it out here.

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