Newton Gets In On The Targeted Enforcement Game

Written by Boston Biker on Aug 07

Much like Boston, and Cambridge, and Somerville, before it, Newton is doing a bit of the old targeted enforcement.

After 20 bicycle-related accidents this year, Newton police will increase patrols this week to enforce traffic laws and educate cyclists, drivers, and pedestrians about sharing the road.

During the weeklong effort, police will monitor many of the heavily cycled roads around Newton and ticket both cyclists and motorists who violate the rules of the road.

“There’s definitely an issue where awareness needs to improve for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists, too,” said Captain Howard Mintz, head of the Police Department’s traffic bureau. “It’s been very difficult.”

With an increase in cyclists and the city trying to add more bike lanes, Mintz said police thought it was critical to ensure that everybody obey traffic laws.

A cyclist died in Newton in 2010 after he crashed into a car that was stopped at an intersection, according to police. Last year, Newton experienced 31 bike-related crashes and incidents, and police issued eight tickets to motorists involved, Mintz said.

I know people cry bloody murder about this stuff, somehow trying to make the argument that they either don’t need to follow the law, or that it would be more useful to target other law breaking groups. But I think its a great idea. Newton also seems to be taking a very “everyone on the road” approach to enforcement targeting cyclists, and motorists. Read the rest of the article here. Thanks Ron for the tip.

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