Hey Guess What?!

Written by Boston Biker on Jun 21

Its freaking hot out! Holy Satan’s underoo’s is it hot out. Here is my two part plan for enjoying this weather.

1. Drink lots of water.
2. Ride lots of bikes.

If you just keep riding you will keep having that self made breeze to keep you cool, and if you just keep drinking water you will keep sweating to keep cool in the breeze. (ride more bikes is basically my solution for everything.)

If however you don’t enjoy the idea of being a bag of sweat when you get to work here are some other tips you can use to stay cool.

1. drink lots of water
2. comfortable breathable clothing
3. ride slooooooow
4. ride early or later to beat the worst heat
5. bring a change of clothes for when you get to work
6. find shower facilities near work
7. adult baby wipes, perfect for places with no showers
8. drink a super cold glass of water when you get to work, it will cool you off from the inside and make you stop sweating

Leave your tips for warm weather riding in the comments.

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