Bigger Faster Stronger!

Written by Boston Biker on Apr 13

In the next few days I am going to be testing some optimization scripts. These are to hopefully improve the speed of the site, decrease down time, protect from spam, and in general make things zippy around here. However there are some possible side effects, you might be asked to fill out a CAPTCHA (those annoying type in the letter things) if the scripts think you are naughty. This is mostly likely because you are one of the following, a spammer, a malicious bot, or your computer is infected with some sort of malware you don’t know about. I apologize if this happens to you. I will be testing this script for a week or two to see if it actually helps with site speed, etc. If it does I am going to keep them, if not, they are out!

I appreciate your patience during this period. As always feel free to report any problems through the contact form, or in this comment thread.


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