Excelent Report On Christina Genco

Written by Boston Biker on Mar 22

Isolate Cyclist has a great write up on his continuing coverage of Christina Genco, and her case in Alabama.

Justice is an elusive concept, fraught with emotion, intuition and idealism. It exemplifies all that is good in humankind, while in the face of evil, it represents a longing for who we want to be.

Within the context of a less than perfect world, each of us lives a life filled with trials and tribulations. Such a life cannot always be measured by minutes, hours and days; it is the sum total of a spirit who existed independently of space and time.

Nine months ago, in June of the year 2011, the life of a young cyclist, Christina Genco, was extinguished prematurely by a brush with fate. At the time of her death, she was with a group of cyclists who were riding across the country as part of a national campaign called Bike and Build. Their goal was to raise money for Habitat for Humanity and to help build affordable housing. I wrote about her misfortune on this blog because she represented the countless cyclists who lose their lives to negligent drivers on American roads.

Read the rest of this very good post here.

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