Detours…the good kind

Written by nicklebones on Sep 28

For many bikers, riding is simply a means of getting from Point A to Point B. For others, it’s an opportunity to take some time and explore the city, much of which is easier — and way more fun — on two wheels: you don’t have to park, accessibility is increased, and there’s often the chance to get a bonus workout along the way.

Most of the time I happen to fall in the latter category, if not only because Boston is just such a cool city to explore…I’m sure I wouldn’t have visited a fraction of the places I have were I not a biker. So if you’re new to the city, new to biking, or just in the mood to chart new territories, read on to check out some of my favorite off-the-beaten-path detours:

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Drydock Ave/Black Falcon Pier (South Boston) – This is a great side trip if you’re ever headed down to the Castle Island/Pleasure Bay area. It’s easily accessible from Northern Ave/Summer Street, and has a really neat industrial feel. Cargo Ship Loading at Black Falcon TerminalBe sure to go all the way down the end of Black Falcon pier, check out the mammoth cargo ships loading their numerous thingamabobs (if you’re lucky, you might catch one of the huge tankers inching its way out of the harbor at a snail’s pace…quite a site if you’ve never seen them), or watch the planes come in and out of Logan. Also be sure to blaze through the wind tunnel between industrial warehouses along Black Falcon Ave… almost feels like a movie set.

Nira Rock (J.P.) – Seemingly plopped in the middle of a dense residential area, this mammoth outcrop is managed by the appropriately-named Friends of Nira Rock. Although I always seem to stop by when nothing’s going on, they do claim to have rock climbing (I guess I can believe it), an orchard (that I guess is open to visitors?), and places to hang out/relax (I can vouch for that). Plus, a stellar view of…well, the V.A. Hospital. But a view’s a view, right?

The tower at Highland ParkFort Hill (Roxbury) – You may have seen the large tower atop this hill from the Southwest Corridor between Roxbury Crossing and Jackson Square. Now it’s time to explore! The hill can be quite a workout – it’s steeper than it looks – and the streets are winding and confusing, but once you get to the top, you’ve got quite a view, especially to the west. Watch out for cats, though…seriously. I couldn’t believe how many of the little buggers were roaming around all willy-nilly up there.

North Point (Cambridge) – By far the park with the highest ratio between the amount of meticulous landscaping and the number of people who actually visit. This gem is not only a nice little nook from which to gawk at the skyline of the West End, but also a good detour to avoid the tedious, horrendous intersections along the O’Brien Highway with both the Gilmore Bridge and Cambridge Street. There are actually kind of two parks here: one right on the riverfront (replete with go-kart style bike paths…and apparently a pedestrian bridge over the tracks to Charlestown under construction), and another tucked in back of the boxy residentials (if the fences and bridges to nowhere are any indication, this is still under construction as well). Whichever parts you choose to explore, definitely check out this alternative to the O’Brien…entrances are both across from the Museum of Science, and next to Lechmere station.

Corey Hill (Brookline) – Although this spot might be better saved for the winter when the view is better without leaves on the trees, this is still kind of a cool little escape from the busy streets of Beacon and Commonwealth – and getting there provides a surprisingly good workout to boot. The most straightforward – albeit vertically angular – route here is Summit Ave., and there’s a nice little park on top that will afford you an interesting view of Boston and Cambridge.

Roslindale – Okay, so for many of you out there, this might not really be a “hidden” detour, but for those of you north of the city who want to check out something new around the Arboretum, this is a cool little part of Boston. Just head down Washington Street (which is surprisingly biker-friendly, at least past the Forest Hills mess). Park your bike for some foodage at one of the many eateries, relax in Adams Park, then try the moderately rigorous back-door entrance to the Arboretum: around the train station and up Fairview Street. It’s steeper than it looks, but brings you right to Peter’s Hill, one of the premier views of the Boston skyline (can you tell I like views?).

This is, of course, just the tip of the iceberg; the Boston area is filled with hidden gems, and there’s no better way to explore them than on two wheels. Don’t be confined by the major thoroughfares!

Have I missed one of your haunts? What are some of your favorite overlooked detours?

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