The Joys Of Cycling: The Tailwind

Written by Boston Biker on Mar 08

This is another installment of my continuing series, the joys of cycling. In which I try to chronicle some of the hidden gems of cycling.

The wind in Boston is in a class of its own. Most days it manages to blow directly into your face, no matter how many turns you make, no matter what direction you travel, right in your face. Like your annoying little brother who keeps his hands inches from your face in the back seat going “I’m not touching you!” over and over this constant wind in your face can be downright infuriating. I think this has to do with some ancient curse put on the pilgrims by the natives, or perhaps some fluke of geography and building placement.

On very rare days, the wind shift, and suddenly you feel a slight push on your back. You are riding the tailwind. Sometimes its a gentle nudge, a small insistence that, if you wanted, you could go a little faster, just saying. Other times, its a commandment, you will be going fast, Now!

With a strong tailwind behind you and an open road ahead you will feel like a rocketized animal. Unstoppable, unslowable, greased lighting. Giant hills become small bumps, distance seems reduced, and you may start to feel more like a sailor than a cyclist. Gently shifting your back to catch as much of that sweet sweet wind juice as possible.

I make no apologies for my love of speed. I have a small place in my heart that can only be filled by standing up on the pedals and throwing myself and my bicycle forward at top speed. A tailwind takes that feeling and perfects it. You are never more alive than when you are racing the wind. Getting home 10 minutes early, sweating like a pig never felt so glorious.

I have been lucky lately, the winds of Boston have been blowing in such a way that I have caught several gnarly tailwinds going either to or from work. Perhaps its a small thank you from mother nature for what she did to me all last month.

Do you race the wind? Are you a speed junkie? Or do you just like the feeling of having someone else do the pedaling for a bit, leave your thoughts in the comments.

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