Cyclist Hit, Potentially Killed Not Dead In Brighton (Updates Below)

Written by Boston Biker on Mar 15

I am getting reports that someone (larger guy with blue bike) was hit and maybe killed by a camry running a red light while on a cellphone on Stratmore St in Brighton, the report I got was that there was a lot of blood and that the cyclist didn’t get up. Does anyone know anything about this? I will continue to update this post with details.

To all the drivers out there, pay attention, your moment of inattention might transform you from a motorist to a murderer. To all the cyclists out there, keep your head on a swivel, paying attention is always a good idea.

EDIT: I called the cops,

They informed me that the person was in fact struck by a car, but DID NOT die. Which is great. I can only hope they heal up fast. If anyone wants more info they need to go to the police headquarters on Ruggles and request the info, as they apparently don’t give out more details over the phone for some odd reason.

EDIT 2: Jesse (thats his name) Is ok! (see comments below).

You can also follow his progress at rehab here. We all hope you heal up fast.

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