So Many Cyclists!

Written by Boston Biker on Jan 14

Today it really struck me, our numbers are growing! I saw 30-40 cyclists today on my way to work. It is the middle of January, barely above freezing, and the streets are chock full of people ridding bikes! Two years ago during my winter commutes I would see MAYBE one other cyclist, maybe. The winter used to be such a lonely time, but not anymore! Both Boston and Cambridge report increases in ridership, the Household Survey (done by the Census) shows an increase in ridership, and my eyeballs show an increase in ridership.


The best part is, I am increasingly seeing a lot of women out there riding. This tells me that we have reached some sort of tipping point. Women are usually far more sensible and level headed than men (sorry guys, it’s true), so seeing a large number of them riding bikes indicated to me that the level of infrastructure/law/whatever has reached a point where riding a bike is no longer seen as simply a daredevil thing to do. We still have a long way to go, but we have made great strides. I actually think the number one way to keep cyclists safer, is to get more people out of cars, and onto bikes, so this increase in ridership makes me very happy.

notice that little hook downward at the end...lets hope that continues.

notice that little hook downward at the end...lets hope that continues.

I can’t tell you why exactly so many more people our out riding, but I have some ideas. Gas prices have been creeping up, while wages are creeping down. Driving a car in Boston sucks. Bikes are cheep. Bikes are FUN! I think the last part is the real reason.

You see all these folk out there riding bikes every day while you are stuck in traffic and you say to yourself “they look like they are having a good time, why don’t I give it a go.” Once you try cycling you will be hooked. The freedom (both literally and figuratively from things like gas prices, parking, traffic), the way it makes your body feel and look (lets not downplay that bikers have sexy bodies) and the general sense of friendliness make biking a fantastic mode of transportation. I am not sure if it is because you are not in a little metal box, but I regularly talk to other cyclists, get waves, get howdys, and in general have much more interaction with my fellow human beings. It is actually a very pleasing way to interact. (contrast with the way motorists usually talk to each other, a series of finger gestures, and horn honks)

Stopping at red lights with 3,4, even 5 other cyclists makes me think that we might actually be changing the way people get around in this town. I see only good things in the future if this trend continues. A huge “HI!” to everyone I saw on a bike this morning, keep up the good work, and happy cycling.

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