Die Spammers Die! (Part 2)

Written by Boston Biker on May 20

Ok so a while ago I informed you all that I was going through and deleting spam, making it harder for spammers to send you spam comments, and in general cleaning house (I deactivated a lot of older blogs with no content, if you signed up for one and want it back let me know).

Most everyone’s site now has a spam blocker installed on it, so you shouldn’t have any more problems with spam comments, just be sure to check your comments tab once in a while for false positives (good comments marked as spam), these spam blockers get smarter the more you “prune them” so if spam gets through mark it as spam, and if good comments get marked as spam, mark them as good. It can be tricky as spammers are getting very good at sneaking spam in…

Anyway, hope this makes your blogging experience here at BostonBiker.org better, if you have any questions drop them in the comments.

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