Contact Your Mayor: Tell Em Put Bikes On The Agenda

Written by Boston Biker on Jun 23

mayor mccheese

The US Conference of Mayors is being held last weekend in Miami

Among the numerous resolutions being considered is bicycling

Resolution #4:
Ensuring Bicycling is Integrated into National Transportation, Climate, Energy and Health Policy Initiatives indicates that bicycling is in the national interest; encourages the development and implementation of a coordinated national bicycling strategy aimed to increase safe bicycle use as a mode of transportation and the development of federal transportation, environmental and public health policies that recognize increased and safe bicycle usage for transportation is in the national interest; urges Congress in the next federal transportation reauthorization to establish policies and funding mechanisms that will reduce the number of motor vehicle miles traveled (VMT), improve safety conditions for bicyclists, collect transportation and safety data needed to monitor progress and provide incentives for state and local governments to adopt and implement Complete Street policies designed to accommodate all users; urges Governors and state-level leadership, independent of new federal transportation legislation, to embrace Complete Streets policies that acknowledge the contributions of bicycles as a means to reduce vehicle miles by integrating bicycle use into standard street design; and calls on all mayors that sign onto the Climate Protection Agreement to develop and implement action plans to incorporate bicycling programs and policies as a key component in reducing greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050, and that the U.S. Conference of Mayors encourages every mayor to strive to make their city a Bicycle Friendly Community

Call up your mayor and make sure they know you want them to support things like this.

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