Swanie’s Succulent “Ride Towards Eventual Drunkness”

Written by Boston Biker on May 30

Via Boston Fixed…This sounds like a good time.

It leaves from the OSC (other side cafe) at 8:30 AM, please show up at 8AM if you plan to attend. It’s 20 bucks which includes the “ride” led by the Swanster himself. Also an all you can eat buffet (at the OSC), AND FREE PABST BLUE RIBBONS, and not just a couple!!!! Did I mention the T-shirts? The first 25 riders get em’ for free. I have really nothing to do with it other than Swanie’s my boy and I figured I would help him spread the word since his inter-web connection is down, and he’s unaware of the power of “Boston Fixed”. I may or may not be there? Oh yeah the “ride” is a relatively chill no-drop kinda affair. The BEER is COLD and the company excellent. Good way to start the day b4 I crush you all at Boston Bike Polo!

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