Cars Are Great! Bicycles Are Stupid! (According to State Farm)

Written by Boston Biker on Apr 03

Or at least that is what you would gather if you listened to the idiots from State Farm. Come on, why not ditch your car all together and save a bunch of money on gas, on oil changes on car…insurance….Wait a minute! State farm sells car insurance! Could this be a clever ploy to keep them in business even though the service (cars) they insure is on that is quickly becoming obsolete in many parts of the country! I think it could be!

Clearly State Farm is not above shilling for the auto industry (and by that same logic the global warming causing oil industry) if it means they will get a little more profit. If they pulled their heads out of their ass’s long enough to take the long view they will realize that the amount of money they are going to lose on global warming caused housing damage is going to make them go out of business.

One of the major causes of all that global warming, you guessed it, CARS! If more people rode their bike, there would be less global warming, and State Farm wouldn’t be forced to go out of business due to the inability to pay for all the (X-tream!) weather damage to it’s clients. (or the clients will no longer be clients once State farm jacks up its prices high enough to cover the costs).

Either way shame on you State Farm for this schlock.



While your at it avoid Geico as well, they have the lovely message that walking is also stupid…

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