Its Cold, Its Raining, And The Wind Is Blowing

Written by Boston Biker on Nov 04

Photo from: Annemiek van der Kuil |


I might also add that I have a horrible head cold…

But you know what I saw today on my ride in? About a million cyclists! We have hit some sort of critical point in Boston, a point at which people are riding year round even in the crappiest of days. Good job Boston, and good job cyclists.

I am not saying that everyone has to ride every day in every kind of weather, but when I see other people pushing through the wind and the rain it tells me that we have reached a certain point in our transition towards a bike friendly Boston.

People who will ride in weather like this are a small percentage of the larger “cyclist pool”. So if you see a lot of people riding in the rain and you know they are a pretty small percentage of the entire group, you know that group has gotten pretty big.

We are becoming a real honest to goodness movement. Both in the literal sense (bikes are all about movement), and also in the sense that we are becoming a statistically significant percentage of the people using the streets.

So when you see your fellow cyclist pushing through the rain, give them a nod of the helmet, and a smile. From the looks of things you might have a fair number of people to smile at. Stay dry folks, and have fun in the rain. Make sure to have some nice hot chocolate ready when you get home, and be extra careful (people seem to drive even worse in the rain).

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