I Make Stuff

Written by Boston Biker on Jul 16

I love to make things, and often these things are bicycle related. Head badges, bike earnings, bike bracelets, bike name tags, you know, that sort of thing.

I also occasionally make other non-bike related things. Several people have tried to get me to sell these things, and well I am a little shy, and wasn’t really ready, but now I am. So I have listed in the sidebar the things I currently have for sale. (currently working on a whale related set of head badges)

I am also available for custom head badges, and other work (contact me if you are interested).

If you would like to keep track of my stuff I make, or like to see what I have for sale you can check out my other website here, and my etsy store here, and as always you can get your snarky boston stickers in the shop.

I would love feedback.

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