How Do You Deal With Angry Motorists? [Forum]

Written by Boston Biker on Jun 21

Jay has asked a great question in the forums:

Friday afternoon, I’m biking home from work down Western Ave towards Market Street. I usually take the path along the river, but I was in a hurry and this way saves me a few minutes. A white minivan drives by me, and out of the passenger side window is this fat, round face calling me crazy and a moron. So I catch up to them at the red light, and ask what his problem in. First the dude says he wasn’t talking to me, he was talking to his friend, so I reply “Alright, whatever…” Then he asks me why I can’t afford a car. I counter by questioning him why he can’t climb a flight of stairs without breaking a sweat. This must have hit close to home, because I heard everything from him. He even tried climbing out the window of the moving fan, but was unable to support himself. That was some good comic relief. I’m just at the point where I’m sick of douchebag big mouths yelling at me for doing nothing wrong. I know that engaging in verbal pissing contests with them could be asking for trouble, but ignoring them is much, much less satisfying. When you are faced with a confrontational driver (or passenger) what do you do?

Let him and all of us know what you think, head on over to the forums, and let your voices be heard.

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