New (Buffered) Bike Lanes In Back Bay

Written by Boston Biker on Sep 02

Got this in the email, weeee! Thanks Avery.

I like the idea that the new bike share could be driving bike lane placement, more lanes means more riders for the system, means more lanes, means bikes win!


I noticed this addition on my way home from the grocery store this afternoon. Bike lanes from Boylston St. to Beacon St. along Dartmouth St. (Maybe further south than Boylston but I did not investigate). In the small block that is the Commonwealth Mall (the promenade between east- and west-bound traffic on Comm Ave) there is no street parking, so the lane shifts to the curb… with a painted buffer between the lane and traffic!!! How cool is that?

My early speculation: massive Hubway Station in Copley Square drives need for infrastructure in tourist-and commuter-heavy areas of Boston? This would mean more bikes bring more riders who are cause for more infrastructure solutions.

So I’m on the fence about bike lanes in general. But at the least I have to say this striping narrows the dangerously wide lanes on Dartmouth St.

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