Spring Time Dreams

Written by Boston Biker on Feb 11

I closed my eyes for a moment just now and was overcome by the feeling you get when you ride your bike at high speed through a warm summer night. That perfect wind through your hair feeling, that lighter than air nothing can stop you feeling, that cricket filled placid feeling. The kind of night that feels alive with possibility, bikes and adventure, sitting on the docks near the river, hill climbs and night races, of secret spots and hide and seek.

I can’t wait for that first nice summer night, I am going to ride every mile of Boston’s streets to celebrate the end to the cold weather.

I think I can only handle winter until Jan 31st, the month of February always destroys my love of snow and chill air. Every year as soon as March rolls around I start to feel better. How do the rest of you deal with the long dark winters?

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