A Red Light Runner, Tries Stopping For A Week

Written by Boston Biker on May 02

100 psi, the very well written blog, tried a little experiment. What would happen if you stopped at every red light for a week. I enjoyed the read, here is a little taste.

For the past five days, I conducted a non-scientific experiment of ALWAWYS stopping at EVERY red light and waiting for the green light on my daily commute.

And I non-scientifically concluded: it didn’t suck.

On the whole, waiting for reds made for a less stressful commute. I didn’t have to constantly scan the intersection while making a breakaway, nor maneuver through waiting cars to get to the front of the traffic line to get that two-second window of all reds at Cleveland Circle and get a jump to make a left turn, for example. Also, I took the lane more often while waiting, as opposed to snaking over to the right or splitting lanes where motorist can see me less than they already do. And I didn’t make an illegal turn at Beacon and Harvard, which I normally do. How about that?

And waiting at reds allowed me to catch my breath or take a drink of water, and for some good old fashion girl watching.

Read the rest here, and let 100 psi know what you think in the comments on his (I think its a he, my apologies if not) blog.

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