Tony Kornheiser Apologizes, Still A Moron

Written by Boston Biker on Mar 21

Imagine that someone suggested we run over your sister because she was slowing down traffic by riding her bike in the street. How would you feel about that? Would it be funny? Would you find it reasonable if someone told you to learn to “take a joke.”

When it is suggested that it is OK to kill people because they are slowing down traffic, no one should interpret that as anything other than horrific. Driving a car is not a right, it is not in the constitution, the good lord baby Jesus didn’t float down from the heavens and deliver your drivers license in the from of a burning bush. No one should be allowed to drive if they are going to endanger people.

You also do not have a right to speed, the speed limit is the maximum speed you can go, not a declaration of what speed you have “the right” to go. Being “slowed down” is not a crime, and not an excuse to endanger someone. If you think it is, lets put someone you love on a bike and see how you feel.

If someone slows you down as you use an escalator, you would not run them over or push them down the escalator (potentially killing them), so why would anyone think the same kind of behavior is acceptable on the streets? I am sick to death of people thinking they have some entitlement to maximum speed on minimally populated roads. Everyone has to get out there and work with each other, and when you are several thousand pounds heavier than the other folks using the same roads you have a lot more responsibility to be careful not to harm other road users.

Tony Kornheiser is not clever, in fact from what I can gather he seems to be a moron who only apologizes for his idiocy when people call him on it. I think Lance went easy on him.

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