U-lock Justice In NYC

Written by Boston Biker on Jul 22

So this video is shooting around the bike webs as fast as anything ever does.

I have several things to say about this video.

1. Violence is never an answer to anything, it only causes more problems.
2. Be careful who you get into a screaming match with, you never know who will pull out a weapon, just because you are in a car/on a bike/on foot, doesn’t mean that the other person wont have a knife/U-lock/gun/etc.
3. This video has enough missing information that you really can’t tell who is at fault, or what is going on.
4. As violent as this looks, I don’t really think the man on foot was too badly hurt.
5. Agree or disagree with his actions, the biker seemed to be defending himself, as he only hit the man on foot until he backed off, not continuing the attack or attempting to harm him too badly.
6. Again, lets all try to be nice to each other out there, violence never solves anything.

What do you think?

EDIT: From the youtube comments:
1. seems this whole thing started when the biker and pedestrian collided, from the video it is almost impossible to tell who is at fault there, but it doesn’t look like they collided with any kind of speed because everyone is still standing when the video starts.
2. seems the guy was hurt badly, goes to show, don’t hit people with heavy chunks of metal, it isn’t nice and potentially will get you thrown in jail
3. seems the bike guy gave the walking guy many verbal warnings to back off, and go away before the video starts, goes to show you, don’t pick fights with random people in public you never know when they will haul off and go crazy on you.

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