Practice Bike Rack At Alewife

Written by Boston Biker on Oct 28

If you are like a lot of people you might want to try a practice run at putting your bike on a bus bike rack before you do the real thing.

Lucky for you they good people at the MBTA have a practice rack for you to try out.


We now have a bus bike rack located at Alewife Station
that can be used for practice purposes. Its located at the west bike
cage on the ground level of the garage.

Also, you should be able to practice at the Ruggles Station busway.
Many buses sit idle for several minutes at a time, waiting for their
scheduled departure. Most operators and/or station officials will gladly
accommodate you as long as it doesn’t interfere with bus operations.

Erik Scheier

So there you go, if you want to go practice putting bikes in bus bike racks you can.

(ht Debbie)

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