Move Over Bike Polo: Cycle Ball Is Here To Eat Your Children

Written by Boston Biker on Apr 10

If you thought bike polo was hard, take a peek at this…

(be sure to check out the awesome diving front wheel save by the umm goalie at 45 seconds in, pure awesome)

Combining track stand mastery with crazy ass bikes these guys have some serious balance and must spend a fortune in wheels. Cycle ball or Radball is basically two on two soccer with a bikes. I imagine that the first couple times you try it you are just trying to avoid impalling yourself on the bars, and the rest of the time you spend trying not to run into the other players. I am digging the low rider seat configuration, and wicked snaps they seem to be able to get with the front bars.

More below.

Did I mention they are fucking animals…well now I have.

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